Friday, 28 April 2017

Afternoon Nap

Weekend's here! Have an afternoon nap.

Penguin's Corner

My first intention was to draw lots of penguins, starting from the bottom right corner but it does look good with just one, right?

Monday, 24 April 2017

My first real macro and it's a bud

Finally managed to get one of those cheap cost effective add-on lens and took my first macro with a macro lens. It's part of a wide-angle lens where you unscrew the front element and it becomes macro. The lens pair cost RM38 and I got it from Typo. This one comes with a clip mechanism so it's independent of any phone cases.

And it's with this that I realised how difficult it is to take macro photos. Any slight movement would make the whole photo either blurry or out of focus. =.="

A post shared by Adrian Tan (@ionbuck) on

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Strong Wind - Strawberry Ice Cream Splash

You might not want to stand next to a person eating ice-cream on a windy day.