ONE: This fella turned on his/her highlights and was behind me for ages while waiting for the traffic light to turn green!

TWO: After gladly leaving that crazy fella behind, I came to another traffic light when this bugger jumped queue and went straight in front of me:

#$%@#$%#^%#$@%%^(&(%*!#(@$&%$*%!%@#$*%T^&!(#$*(!@*#!!!!! CURSES! CURSES! CURSES!
Maybe the driver doesn't know she/he accidentally turn on the highlight, as some of us don't know what is the "blue octopus" means?
Hmmm... that is possible but still, this one's damn irritating! Grrr...
I always don't leave enough space for anyone to cut queue especially when nearing traffic lights or junctions.
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