Monday 29 June 2009

Driving Tests in Whatever Cars

That's not going to be the case if our lawmakers have anything to do with it. This morning, I heard over the news that our government... or SOME PEOPLE... are considering to convert all the cars used for driving exams to automatic transmission ones. At that time, my thoughts was "WTF?" How are anyone going to know how to drive manual transmission cars when we suffer some major Dark Angel kind of post-apocalyptic situation in the not too distant future? Then, I forgot about it and went about trying to work on a Monday.

Work's over and off I went. I turned on the radio and there you go, news about this driving exams thing again, only this time, it was information overload. The transport people are opening up their minds. They are taking in suggestions on how to implement this and one of them suggestions is those that passed their tests using automatic transmission vehicles WILL ONLY BE ALLOWED TO DRIVE automatic transmission vehicles. At that point, I became quite a dangerous driver on the road because I almost rolled on the floor laughing.


I should really post something really serious after this one.

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