Saturday 28 June 2008

New Kind of Theft?

The recent petrol price increase (here in Malaysia we commonly term it as petrol... in some parts of the world, I believe it is referred to as gas, gasoline or fuel) seems to have created a new kind of crime - stealing petrol off cars parked along the streets of housing estates. According to the "Thieves siphon off petrol" by Star Online, residents in Klang saw a man behind a car with a tank underneath a car, presumably to siphon off the petrol, while his accomplice waited in a motorcycle.

A comment from a resident: "A big patch of petrol stain was seen underneath my car and the nut of the petrol tank was on top of the bonnet."

I've not heard of something quite like this before where the petrol is stolen while other valuables remain in the car but I am sure this is not something too new. Has anyone have or heard of such experience even before the price hike?

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