Wednesday 4 June 2008

Petrol Price Increase In Malaysia

Update: The price increase announcement couldn't come at a worse time. On my way home, I encountered massive jam whenever a petrol station is nearby. I was just around the corner of my house and I was stuck there for almost 10 minutes because of this. I wonder if it would be smarter if the government would have announced the price hike at a time close to 12am, just enough time for the petrol stations to change the pricing. My father commented that it might also be better if the government would announce it a few days earlier from the actual date.

Another thought that my father planted was how many of these petrol stations will close earlier or announce that they are out of petrol but with the motive of selling at the higher price tomorrow.

Been blogging about crude oil price increase for months and now it is time to blog about the petrol price increase here in my own country, Malaysia. The NST Online just published a breaking news about price increase of petrol from RM1.92 to RM2.70 from 12:00am afterwards. This is courtesy of my friend Juddy for bringing this news to me.

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