Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Meet Emily
Via BlenderNation.
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Senior Citizen Program and Anti-ISA
Friday, 26 December 2008
Naughty Christmas

Thursday, 25 December 2008
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Pandas @ Taiwan
Good news as this may seem, I do have some reservations of China using pandas, such innocent creatures these cute animals are, for diplomatic purposes. Imagine if humans were sent around this way... how would the humans feel? Well, I suppose sacrifice the minority for the good of the world would be a reason... :(
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Polycarbonate Danger!!!
I remember plenty of warnings from friends, the net and e-mails not to store and drink water from those 1.5 litres (used to be just 1.25L until our appetite became larger :p). I mean, it is so common here in Malaysia - and I suppose in many other countries - to clean the bottle after finishing the carbonated drinks or mineral water that came in the bottles and then use them to store our normal drinking water. So convenient, so easy, so disposable.
Then, the warnings came NOT to use them, especially those with low numbers (numbers inside the recycle logo). The ones we often use comes with the number "1". I never believed those warnings so I continued to use them. *SHY*
Today, the Star Online proved that water bottles or containers with higher numbers are not safe... well, at least those marked with PC (polycarbonate) or with the number "7". Excerpts:
He said that such bottles can be identified by a number seven inside a triangle with the letters PC next to it.
“The bottles are being sold everywhere and people think they are safe as they can withstand high temperature liquids.
“But researchers have found out that BPA can leach into the bottle’s contents through normal wear and tear, exposure to heat and cleaning agents,” he said.
Mohamed Idris claimed that a study conducted by the University of Missouri found that the chemical can even leach into liquids at room temperature.
“This finding is alarming and I urge the Education Ministry and parents to ban the use of the bottles in schools and for the people to restrain from using polycarbonate or any other plastic bottles,” he said.
He said that steel or glass bottles are preferred and cost about the same as the polycarbonate bottle at around RM12.
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Joy To Myanmar Children

Via Symbian Freak.
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Kuala Lumpur International Airport Low Cost Carrier Terminal
Check out the official name of our Low Cost Carrier Terminal above which is normally shortened to just LCCT. Last night, I have the joy of experiencing the just opened extended arrival hall. The walk from the aircraft to this extended arrival terminal is a true representative of the official long name of the LCCT. It took what felt like an eternity to reach this new terminal, especially carrying my boss' 8kg of nuts which he asked me to bring back and pass to his son. After that, we had to take this escalator up to the immigration and then take an escalator down to visit the duty free shop and collect check-in baggage. Once out of the airport, another long walk to catch the cab. You pay less, you walk more, alright?
And then, just now I read that this extended arrival hall costs RM160 million. AND before that, I read that the Negeri Sembilan Menteri Besar said that a new LCCT is being built in Nilai by the private sector Sime Darby to replace the current one (which was only opened a few short years ago). What a lot of unused airports around. First there was the old Subang one which part of it is now getting used again and then the current LCCT which will be replaced. So the Menteri Besar said the new one was fully funded by the private sector but what about the old one that has just been extended? Hmmm... I really can't digest this. Maybe I had been carrying too many nuts last night. No, boss, if you are reading this, I did not eat any of your nuts.
Source: Star Online "Extended arrival hall at LCCT opens" and "Proposed LCCT to be privately funded"Oh, by the way, I bought a 350ml bottle of Spritzer for RM4 during flight and finished it in less than 5 small gulps (approx.).
Thursday, 18 December 2008
From flickr: 石竹
Originally uploaded by Tugen.Wang.
What a great idea from Tugen.Wang! Combining one of my favourite childhood cartoons and one of my favourite cutesy animals - an Autobot Transformer Panda!
Via Super Punch.
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
HAH! All you evil pixel peepers, take this!
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Christian The Lion From Harrods
Cool 12 Days of Christmas Indian Version
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Too Tasty
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Handphone Hunt #6 - Nokia E71

- HSDPA and 3G (really a fan of these two supposedly fast wireless connection to the internet but they are still way too expensive)!
- Wifi! Surf at home or at a cafe with wifi!
- 3.2MP autofocus camera, though the quality of any camera on phones is a big, big suspect.
- A tiny little QWERTY keyboard! If my fingers were any bigger, I might be pressing two buttons at one go, though.
- Infrared so that I can transfer over contacts from my ancient classic phone.
- Bluetooth! Sync with the computer!
Oh yeah, the stall that I went to said it costs RM1,699 while the recommended retail price is RM1,799. Kinda steep for me so I will just keep wishing for it. Andrewk said he will go buy 4D when I finally buy a new phone. ;)
Meanwhile, do check out the touchscreen Nokia 5800, too - the one you saw in The Dark Knight that was equipped with sonar capabilities.
Note: Photo from Nokia Malaysia's website. Darn it, I did not notice the hand tool on the qwerty keyboard when I ripped that screen but am too lazy to correct that now.
Datuk Low Siew Moi
However, she is of particular importance because her appointment as acting general manager sparked controversy amongst locals (in the minority, I hope). It had also been used as a platform for criticisms by some politicians. Tsk, tsk, tsk!
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Quiet Airports
So, imagine my surprise when I read this! A country like Japan with more than one airport that struggle to get airlines to fly there. The latest would be their upcoming Ibaraki Airport (in March 2010) which have yet to have any airlines agreeing to fly there. Interestingly, officials are in talks with low cost carriers and one of them is our very own AirAsia X. Maybe, very soon anyone can fly to Japan but the grass may not be greener on the other side after all.