Sunday 28 January 2007

The Dictator speaks... again... and again...

Referring to this article titled "Bush says 'I'm the decision-maker' on Iraq", I'm just curious why would this chap keeps trying to control other parts of the world when his own country is all huge and needs much more attention? World domination? Pride? Unfinished business? Bluuurgh!

Well, he most likely did not notice, but Iraq is really not part of the United States... so what gives him the right to make any decisions at all? Tsk, tsk, tsk...

Updated Sunday, 28 January 2007:

Wow, I was shocked when I came across this news article from Reuters titled "Bush address draws 45.5 million US TV Viewers"! No wonder he still won the second term he is serving now. Or maybe the viewers tune in just to see if he hit his head some where and was changing his stand on internal policies... Oooooh... tens of thousands protest about the Iraq war. They want the US troops to come home: "Tens of thousands demand US get out of Iraq".

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