Wednesday 28 March 2007

Another Reason Not To Beef

STARTLING REVELATION! Pregnant women that eat too much beef will cause their sons to have low sperm count (up to 24.3% lower)! Yes! If you are pregnant and you have been taking beef the whole week, it is time to panic! You may not have grand children. GASP!

However, do remember to breathe. Here is something that might comfort you: This is only a study based on 387 women across 5 American cities. And the study was conducted from 2000 to 2005 on adult males' mothers. What do all these mean?

That this is a retrospective study where questionnaires were handed out and the elder women filled in the blanks from memory. Hence, the accuracy is questionable. Phew! Nonetheless, less beef just to be safe.

Source: Star Online World "Eat a lot of beef? It may affect your son's sperm"

ps. forgot to mention the suspected causes: Hormones or contaminants from the cattles' food intake.

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