Wednesday 28 March 2007

New Climate Zone Next Century

Reuters "New, unknown climate zones seen by 2100: study" indicated that there will be a huge climate shift if the earth continues to warm at the current rate - up to a total increase of 8 degrees Celcius by 2100. The biggest changes will be the North and South poles where ice will disappear (something scientific: when ice and snow melt, the ability to reflect sunlight back to space reduces, causing the warming to accelerate even faster). Habitats will be destroyed, species such as the polar bears may be extinct.

The tropics will also face changes, though the article did not say in what way. A new earth is on the way, folks, but we need not worry as most of us reading this wouldn't be around for the experience.


  1. We are so past the tipping piont then. There's no turning back now ...
