Tuesday 27 March 2007

Goodbye Magazines

Not so much as a gasp, but I was rather surprised to learn that PC Magazine Malaysia is into its last issue this April. Got to know of this via Jeff Ooi's blog which pointed to the article he wrote in CNet Asia's Lemak Lemang. Seems like it was due to poor readership and the fact that more readers are sourcing news from the net. PC Magazine Malaysia is published by Catcha Corp.

Coincidentally, I bumped into this news from Reuters that Time Inc. (Time Magazine, yeah) is discontinuing its weekly newspaper insert magazine called Life. The reason cited was similar - readers moving from print media to online news and photos. However, it will make Life's 10 million or so photos viewable online, with "the most important collection of imagery covering the events and people of the 20th century available for free for personal use."

Another magazine that I know of was Digital Camera & Photography which I never had a chance to read until someone passed its last issue (Dec-Jan 2007) to me. This magazine was less than one year old! Quite a comprehensive magazine, so a pity on its demise. However, I was not told what the reason was.

Any other publications that are reaching the end of its life? Do drop a line here.

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