Tuesday 6 November 2007

The Keris Protects

From Star Online Nation "Hishammuddin: Keris protects all, not just Malays", comments by keris wielding UMNO Youth Chief Hishammuddin:
"They said the keris is a symbol of fighting. It looks like 50 years after independence, there are still some of our people who do not understand the culture of our people and country," he said in his speech at the Umno Youth assembly on Tuesday.

Saying that the keris is a symbol of strength and for centuries a part of Malay heritage, he said it signifies sovereignty, power, dignity, and responsibility.

He added that the keris is unique in the way it is made, sheathed, worn and used, and it carried with it specific dos and don’ts.

Unlike the axe which is used to chop or the parang (machete) which is used to slaughter, the keris is not an everyday weapon and is carried to official functions and to the palace.

He noted that the ceremonial keris used by the King has its origin from iron derived from 11 keris from the different states in Malaysia.

Thus, he said, the keris was not just a symbol of strength but also of unity, wisdom and knowledge.

Previous keris post here.

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