Wednesday 2 April 2008

Time to Think About The National Monument

Just uploaded the National Monument into my flickr account:
National Monument
Also wrote some stuff about it:
In Malaysia, now is one of the best time to think about what the National Monument represents. With the recent election results and opposition parties taking away some of the major states, it is time the ruling party (now only with a simple majority) reflect on how badly they have performed since independence and how dissatisfied the people are with them.

Due to the limited dynamic range of small sensor cameras, the rain clouds were washed out while trying to expose properly for the monument. I have done some 'burning' using Gimp to make the clouds appear as they were when I was taking the photo. Also cropped the right portion a little to centralise the monument. Left the other things untouched.


wooncc said...

fuyoh... you urgently need to buy a dslr

Adrian Tan said...

I want one but I don't urgently need one. ;)