Sunday 24 August 2008

Pandas in Malaysia? :O

Update 1 January 2009: Here we go again... another press release on hopes of us getting giant pandas from China. This time, it includes ringtail lemurs, white tigers, and golden monkeys.

According to a Star Online article last Friday, our Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said that our Zoo Negara officials will go to China in October to discuss about the exchange for a panda with an orang utan. He mentioned that our Prime Minister had expressed his wish for a panda to signify our two countries' close ties.

I will be so happy if we do get a panda but I am more concerned with the zoo's capability in taking care of it. It is not just a mere animal. This is a panda! Where to get tonnes of bamboo that is not native here? How are our researchers able to help advance in the research and development of the panda? This is not just a play play thing or any Malaysia Boleh thing. This is a PANDA! P-A-N-D-A!

What do you think? Are we capable? We have not even settle on our political issues such as who is the next prime minister (one that swears or one that refuses to?) lest take care of a panda? But then, there is of course the fact that we have to get the agreement from China first...


wooncc said...

you wanna make our minister swear than they can take care of the panda izzit ?

Adrian Tan said...

Can he guarantee that he can take care of the panda by swearing?