Sunday, 30 January 2011

Rain, Rain, Cool Day on Earth

It's been raining the whole day! A great winterly 
feel. ... on Twitpic
It's been continuously raining at about the same rate (slightly heavier than a drizzle, but not quite cats and dogs... watcha call it?) most of the day. Enough to get you soaked if you stand outside for a couple of minutes. Weather's been obviously cool... According to my phone's weather app, it's 25ºC out there. The kind of temperature I set the air-conditioner to on a hot day.

Is it going to be a cool Chinese New Year? Is the Rabbit going to bring the cool to cover off years of fire? While we are enjoying a sleepy and cooling Sunday, I hope this rain is not causing any flooding elsewhere.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Angry Birds TV?

I'm actually reading up a Nikon D3100 review in our local Lowyat.NET forum but got sidetrack a little when I came across a tweet from @CNNshowbiz reporting that Angry Birds are not only stopping at being a PC game (its latest platform after iPhone, Maemo, Android, iPad and whatever other mobile platforms). It is going to be a very angry animated series, too! As much as I like the game (I'm stuck at Level 3-5, by the way), I couldn't imagine it being a full 30-minute cartoon (including plenty of angry commercials), though. Maybe as shorts like those Pixar ones before their feature film but 30 minutes every week? Hmmm...
On a side note, I'm surprised that the Angry Birds plush toys appear to be more popular than the very cute Android plush toy that I love but could not find. Hmph!

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean - On Stranger Tides Trailer

It is difficult not to love Captain Jack Sparrow and I'm just glad that he's coming to the big screen again in May. However, the trailer below doesn't look too interesting, though... but looks can be deceiving. :D

Monday, 17 January 2011

The Ingenious Fuzzy Wuzzy Camera Case

Who would have thought that Fuzzy Wuzzy was a camera case!
Fuzzy Wuzzy (wow, what a name) holds certain compact cameras:
And Fuzzy Wuzzy may be tasked with holding other stuff such as crayons (but so does any other camera pouches, I guess :P)!
This is all beginning to be something like an advertisement for Photojojo. Nope, this isn't. I'm just somehow fascinated by Fuzzy Wuzzy. ;)

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Is life anything like a box of Famous Amos cookies?

Had a very scary encounter with my newly purchased box of Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies today. Upon opening it and transferring the contents into an air-tight container for storage and occasional invasion, the bottom part of the contents were in smithereens! Ended up eating all of 'em with a spoon.
My heart was shattered by Famous Amos. :'( on Twitpic

Sunday, 9 January 2011

The HTC Android Phone Battery That Saved The Day

There are many movies where miracles happen in such a way that the hero gets shot but didn't die because the bullet hit a coin or a medallion or something in his pocket. Not in real life we don't hear much of those but today's different.

Two men were kicked out of a nightclub in Atlanta so they opened fire at the club but one of it strayed and hit a valet. The bullet went through the valet's jacket and through the HTC phone (nope, no details of what model it is), then stopped at the battery, a very red battery:
via Android Community.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

The Idiot with a Tripod and Simon's Cat

I'm never a person that shoots video because I totally lack composition skills. The only video I had shot so far and posted to YouTube was this one - I was amused with the amount of birds flying around. This was taken with my ancient Canon A400 digital camera. So I never had much of a thing about digital cameras' ability to take videos nor digital video cameras. Needless to say, the recent crop of DSLRs that could video, 1080p or not, do not impress me.

However, after watching this video taken with a Canon 7D professional DSLR, I became quite impressed with the video capabilities of these single lens reflex digital cameras. Here's the video:
And here are comments from the guy that did it.

After the video, I noticed a totally unrelated featured video on YouTube that had over 20 million views. Without hesitating, I clicked on it:

Hmmm... interesting. I have subscribed to the channel. For those lucky iPhone or iPod or iPad owners, Simon's Cat has its own app for you.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

The First Blog Post of a New Decade: The Red Slippers, The Zombie and The Android Bug

First off, let me wish everyone a Happy New Year and an all new decade. Lets all start fresh, be good and most importantly, be HAPPY! Here's a photo with plenty of red tint which normally represents prosperity and everything good:
Happy New Year! First photo to share this year. on Twitpic
Up next, let me introduce this very cool zombie to you:
Brainssssss... on Twitpic
Designed using the Plants vs. Zombies in-game avatar designer. The official name for a zombie avatar is Zombatar. Cool. As cool as the game. Highly addictive of the tower defense kind of thing. Not quite TD but that's what it reminds me of.

And to end this post, I would like to warn fellow Android users of a bug that Engadget brought up in their post. Incidentally, I wouldn't have read about this had it not for the Engadget Android app that I just installed a few hours ago. There exists this Android messaging bug where SMSes might be mistakenly sent to someone else other than the intended one.

I had a first hand experience a few weeks ago. Oh no! Looking back into the past are we? Anyways, earlier on that day I sent out a group SMS to inform of a meeting schedule. After that, I declined a friend's invitation to go to Pulau Ketam for a photography session. I had set my phone to inform me when a SMS is delivered. To my amusement, I received multiple replies telling me that my SMS to my friend was delivered. Some time passed when one of the people whom I had sent an SMS about the meeting schedule called and asked me what's this meeting at Pulau Ketam!

Gosh! Only then I realised that I might have made a mistake! Panic stricken, I went to check but in the default message app indicated that the recipient was my friend! At that time, I thought it might be a bug with the HTC Desire but only now, after reading Engadget's post did I realise it was actually an Android bug. Gasp! You have been warned!