Sunday 2 January 2011

The Idiot with a Tripod and Simon's Cat

I'm never a person that shoots video because I totally lack composition skills. The only video I had shot so far and posted to YouTube was this one - I was amused with the amount of birds flying around. This was taken with my ancient Canon A400 digital camera. So I never had much of a thing about digital cameras' ability to take videos nor digital video cameras. Needless to say, the recent crop of DSLRs that could video, 1080p or not, do not impress me.

However, after watching this video taken with a Canon 7D professional DSLR, I became quite impressed with the video capabilities of these single lens reflex digital cameras. Here's the video:
And here are comments from the guy that did it.

After the video, I noticed a totally unrelated featured video on YouTube that had over 20 million views. Without hesitating, I clicked on it:

Hmmm... interesting. I have subscribed to the channel. For those lucky iPhone or iPod or iPad owners, Simon's Cat has its own app for you.


Tommy22 said...

looool, epic ;) nice blog man!! as always, im following and supporting :)

Adrian Tan said...