Tuesday 15 February 2011

I have had zombies as pets but they went invisible on me...

Sorry folks, looks like you are stuck with my Plants vs. Zombies obsession. I've got a whole aquarium full of snorkeling zombies complete with life vests (hmmm... but they still don't float which I suspect could be due to their brains diet). Meanwhile, I still have to keep my Stinky snail awake so, if I feed my pet zombies a little slow, they will turn green, flip over and die.
I've got a new aquarium filled with these pet zombies. on Twitpic
These dead zombies will eventually come back to haunt me as invisible apparitions, I guess. Thankfully, I have quite an arsenal of intelligent plants in my lawn as defence.
In my lawn, my plants shoot at invisible zombies. on Twitpic
I wonder when will... or ever will there be Plants vs. Zombies merchandising... such as zombie soft toys?! Or cute cabbage catapult plush? Now that will be amazing having a collection of them and having them mingle with my still yet to be found Android.

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