Monday 3 June 2013

Hack An iOS Device With... A CHARGER???

Read about hacking. Fascinated about how it could be done in the movies. But this is new: Hack any iOS device using a charger! The Verge has it in the news. Below, excerpts from the article:
The team at Georgia Institute of Technology says its charger was able to upload arbitrary software to an iOS device within one minute of it being plugged in. According to the researchers, "all users" are at risk, as the hack doesn't require any user interaction. Hackers are even capable of hiding the applications, so they don't show up in the device's app list. It's not clear if the charger is able to upload malicious code — Apple's iOS devices, by default, are "sandboxed" and will only install and run properly signed apps — but this is a worrying development regardless.

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