Saturday, 30 June 2007
See Thru...
Friday, 29 June 2007
BURP! Supper is Good!
Update (few minutes later...):
Couldn't sleep just yet and my friend suggested I should put up a burger to make a point. I have got no photo of the burger I had and he volunteered to let me post his extra delicious yummy In-N-Out burger photo here... SLURP! This is THE ULTIMATE BURGER to have!
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Thierry Rommel Power Diplomat
Dewy Leaf
Dewy Leaf
Originally uploaded by maruchan313.
What could be better to start your morning than to look at this refreshing dew on a green leaf?
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Calling Durian Fans! Free Durians For You!
Monday, 25 June 2007
Solar Vision
Anyway, some info on Wawasan Suria:
- It's about renewable energy sources, but most probably focused on solar energy due to its namesake.
- Panels for home and factory rooftops.
- Fiscal incentives such as pioneer status, investment tax allowance, accelerated capital allowance, waiver of import duties and local sales tax.
- The Government will select one or two developers to receive various incentives and a special rebate of more than RM3mil to build 70 units of BIPV homes.
- The PM hopes that Malaysia will also be a hub (again!) for solar energy development.
- The PM challenges developers to build the first solar-powered township in the country.
- This comes from a dream, the PM's dream.
Virtual Bubble Wraps
Link: Engadget "Virtual bubblewrap: the best / worst gadget ever made"
Sunday, 24 June 2007
Malaysians In Utilities Debt
It is interesting how this could happen...
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Durian Stalls That Accept Credit Cards
Friday, 22 June 2007
Homer Simpson Abducted!
Amazing! CBS News has this story on their website and it's been dugg! Our country is once again famous!
Update 9:00am:
My faithful Star Online Nation reported that the police have identified the baddies in "Cops home in on Homer thieves". They are students aged 21 and 22 whom are also fans of The Simpsons TV sitcom. They have surrendered and returned Homer. They are currently out on bail.
It is shocking indeed. In the midst of all the crimes happening in Malaysia, here is one of a famous cartoon character. Homer Simpson was taken by unknown people from 1 Utama shopping complex at 3am on 18 June 2007! Below are photos when Homer was still with his family, after he was abducted and the evil abductors' backs caught by CCTV:
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Know Urban Heat Islands and ICLEI Guidelines
1. Cool roofs - Use reflective roofing materials. Conventional, dark-coloured and low-sloped roofs reflect between 10 to 20% of incoming solar radiation, converting the remainder into heat absorbed by the roof.2. Lighten streets and cool parking lots - Construct, replace, or reconstruct roads and parking lots with reflective or cool paving materials. Planting shade trees in hot spots like parking lots can reduce surface temperatures and temperatures inside parked cars.
3. Green your community - Trees placed on the west, northwest and east-facing sides of buildings significantly reduce cooling costs for a typical home or low-rise building. Preserve and increase urban tree canopies throughout the community. Replace asphalt playgrounds with green spaces to provide children with interesting, safe, and cooler places to play at school.
The six cool policies to institute the practices listed above:
1. Use cool community strategies in public buildings
2. Amend building codes to include reflective roofing standards
3. Amend landscape and development standards to include shade coverage requirements
4. Include cool community guidelines in master plans and in agreements with developers
5. Create incentives for cool action
6. Sponsor demonstration projects and contest
Monday, 18 June 2007
Be Proud of Your Penis
Learned a thing or two from here and lots of good news for Asian men like me who think our penises are half the size of those belonging to Africans! First off, based on some surveys, 90% of women prefer wider penises rather than longer ones and penile size is not at the top of the list compared to a man's personality and looks.
Other myths debunked:
- Average erect penis is about 5.5 to 6.2 inches long and about 4.7 to 5.1 inches in circumference.
- Penis size varies according to race - that is false!
- Older men do not have smaller penises!
- Small penis syndrome (SPS) happen in men with normal size penises than those with micro ones (less than 2.7 inches when flaccid).
- Penis enlarging devices seldom perform but these devices could provide some positive psychological effect.
Sunday, 17 June 2007
My Own Strawberries
Fresh Strawberries :"))
Fresh Strawberries :"))
Originally uploaded by Heba _ photo.
I'm going on a little strawberry craze here!
Strawberry Splash
Strawberry Splash
Originally uploaded by Morven Photo.
What could be better than to look at a photo of a strawberry dropped into a beer glass on a Sunday afternoon. :)
Saturday, 16 June 2007
Klang's Mysterious Yellow Droppings
Friday, 15 June 2007
The Perfect One Kilogram
neugeborene Schnecke
neugeborene Schnecke
Originally uploaded by werner1943.
Wow such a great close-up. Could even see the eyes!
What's Up?
No Choice But To Raise The Bar For Bumi Contractors?
Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said the Government had no choice but to raise the standard because there was a need for quality and to ensure that bumiputra contractors compete in a globalised age.One could be that the real meaning was lost in translation. Otherwise, it would only mean previously there was no need for quality, no?
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Minimum RM5 For A Pack of 20s
What do you think? Is the minimal RM5 high enough?
Shut Those Xenon Lights Off!
At the moment, the Road Transport Act only provides for a RM200 fine for modifying vehicles beyond regulations stated in the act. JPJ Director of Enforcement Salim Parlan said JPJ was considering to add regulations to ban these Xenon lights.
Let's see how long more before action is taken.
Source: Star Online Nation "Crackdown on Xenon headlights"
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Vitato Is Malaysia's Potato
The name came from the combination of vitamin + potato... wow, what a no brainer.
Source: Star Online Nation "Malaysia unveils Vitato"
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Correct Orientation
Correct Orientation
Originally uploaded by zpaperboyz.
Spectacular timing! First time I see a photo showing an eagle do this!
Monday, 11 June 2007
Understanding RSS The Simple Way
Deja Vu No Longer Means You Are In the Matrix
For further information, please read that article... this is not familiar at all...
Dark Times - Rise of the Evil Children
One of the inmates, known only as Azman from Kedah, said after getting involved with wrong company, he starting sniffing glue and became violent each time his demands were not fulfilled.
“I used to get involved in gang fights outside the house, but there was a day when after sniffing a bit too much glue, I was in my own world and became more violent.
“Since I was hungry and there was no food on the table, I become angry and confronted my parents who were praying at that time.
“I called my mother a dog and my father a pig, and seeing no reaction from them, I kicked my father’s head,” he said, adding that they could no longer tolerate his behaviour and called an ustaz, who referred him to Rumah Sahabat Insan dan Iman Malaysia (Sidim) for rehabilitation.
In the second case, the inmate known as Tahir from Kuala Lumpur said his mother was his “bank”, as whenever he needed money for his gangster friends and drugs, he would ask her.
Get SMART on Friday Midnight
Samy Vellu says the toll rate would be RM2 beginning Thursday night, 14 June 2007 at 11:59pm.
Samy Vellu says that the toll for the SMART Tunnel will commence from Friday midnight. He will announce the rates in another one or two days. Brace yourselves!
Source: Star Online Nation "SMART toll to start on Friday" & Star Online Nation "RM2 toll for SMART tunnel use"
Sunday, 10 June 2007
All About Sorry
All about apologising, how to say it, when to say it, when should it happen and some examples from Star Online Columnists "Saying sorry".
Most Energy Saving Way to Get Hot Water?
From Weird Asia News "Beer + Sunshine = Hot Water" via Digg.
Saturday, 9 June 2007
My First Poem: Saya Bina
saya bina semua kotor
saya bina bagi konco
saya bina pasti heboh
I build all dirty
I build for gang
I build sure famous
Friday, 8 June 2007
Serpent or Limbless Lizard?
Read more at National Geographic Photo in the News: New Limbless Lizard Species Found.
DIY Fertility Test
Thursday, 7 June 2007
The Past and Now
Samy Vellu Writes Poem For Prime Minister
You shall not walk alone.
Her heart will be your shelter,
And her arms will be your home.
A mountain needs a valley to be complete;
the valley does not make
the mountain less, but more;
and the valley is more a valley because
it has a mountain towering over it
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
God's Large Wardrobe
The Center for Improved Living blog posted the question "What outfit do you imagine God in?" Check out the replies by clicking here.
Malaysia Prime Minister to Marry
Dengan sukacitanya dimaklumkan bahawa YAB Perdana Menteri Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi akan melangsungkan majlis akad nikah dengan Jeanne Abdullah pada hari Sabtu 9 Jun 2007 bersamaan dengan 23 Jamadilawwal 1428 Hijrah.
Jeanne Abdullah dilahirkan di Kuala Lumpur pada 29 Julai 1953 dan merupakan anak sulung daripada empat orang adik-beradik. Beliau menerima pendidikan di Sekolah Menengah Assunta dan mempunyai pengalaman yang luas dalam bidang pentadbiran dan penghotelan setelah terlibat dalam pengurusan beberapa hotel terkemuka di Malaysia, termasuk Hotel Hilton Kuala Lumpur dan Hotel Pan Pacific. Jeanne juga pernah bertugas sebagai Pengelola kediaman rasmi Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Pengurus Kompleks Seri Perdana.
Jeanne mempunyai dua orang anak, Nadiah dan Nadene.
Majlis berkenaan akan diadakan di Seri Perdana dan akan dihadiri oleh keluarga terdekat sahaja.
Read more from Star Online Nation "PM to get married on Saturday"
Saturday, 2 June 2007
A Time To Grief: First Panda Freed into Wildlife Dead
Read more at National Geographic News and click here for a video about Xiang Xiang.