Monday 25 June 2007

Solar Vision

Seems like before we achieve our Vision 2020, we need to have another vision out first. Now, our current prime minister's vision is Wawasan Suria (directly translates to Vision Solar). Most timely when we are facing some serious global warming issues, but the question is of course, how well will it be implemented? So many talks to do so many things and as yet, so little has been done...

Anyway, some info on Wawasan Suria:
  1. It's about renewable energy sources, but most probably focused on solar energy due to its namesake.
  2. Panels for home and factory rooftops.
  3. Fiscal incentives such as pioneer status, investment tax allowance, accelerated capital allowance, waiver of import duties and local sales tax.
  4. The Government will select one or two developers to receive various incentives and a special rebate of more than RM3mil to build 70 units of BIPV homes.
  5. The PM hopes that Malaysia will also be a hub (again!) for solar energy development.
  6. The PM challenges developers to build the first solar-powered township in the country.
  7. This comes from a dream, the PM's dream.
Source: Star Online TechCentral "Pak Lah backs solar power use"

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