Monday 18 June 2007

Be Proud of Your Penis

How is it possible to not get attracted to an article titled "Penis Myths Debunked" by LiveScience, right? :D

Learned a thing or two from here and lots of good news for Asian men like me who think our penises are half the size of those belonging to Africans! First off, based on some surveys, 90% of women prefer wider penises rather than longer ones and penile size is not at the top of the list compared to a man's personality and looks.

Other myths debunked:
  1. Average erect penis is about 5.5 to 6.2 inches long and about 4.7 to 5.1 inches in circumference.
  2. Penis size varies according to race - that is false!
  3. Older men do not have smaller penises!
  4. Small penis syndrome (SPS) happen in men with normal size penises than those with micro ones (less than 2.7 inches when flaccid).
  5. Penis enlarging devices seldom perform but these devices could provide some positive psychological effect.
Read the last few paragraphs of this article for some traditional remedies on increasing penis lengths...

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