Wednesday 7 August 2013

The Conjuring Review

I love horror movies but I’ll avoid them because those really good ones are scary! One such movie is the currentThe Conjuring. The first trailer was already scary and I should have known better because this is by the same people that did last year’s Insidious (a sequel is coming) which was also excellent. The sound effects played a big part and it was done well. Glimpses of the horrors were also done in a creepy way that sent goose bumps up my body.
The actors were also excellent while the plot (based on a true story) was rather normal - a house with evil spirits that would terrorise the family that moved in.
The plot? Sounds like the used till death kind of storyline. 2/5
Scary? You bet! 4/5
Good script and acting? 4/5
Effects? Realistic enough to be scary. 3/5
Overall a must watch, especially those horror enthusiasts. 4/5
Leaving you with that scary teaser trailer that I mentioned earlier:

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