Horrors! Over the months since my burger loving 67 friend
andrewk introduced
Google Reader to me, I have difficulty passing my day without it! Briefly, Google Reader is a RSS reader that lets you subscribe to feeds/information sources and scan through them quickly, without the need to actually visit each and every website individually. Confused? No problem. Check out the video that Google Reader likes to promote to beginners right at the bottom.
Ahem! Back to the purpose of this post. Whenever you screen through your feeds, Google Reader will automatically mark is as read so that you won't be reading the same feed twice. However, since last night, I had this problem where after reading through the feeds, and I refresh the page, all of them came back again! Until just now! HORRORS, right?

So I went and Google the error message (see screencap above) and came to the
Google Groups/Google Reader Help section and found that it was the fault of
Google Gears (allows you to sync and read RSS feeds offline) and
Mozilla Firefox (a web browser just like Internet Explorer). For some reason, someone from Google by the name Graham said it had been solved but I am still facing the same problem. Sad.
I either use Internet Explorer to read or I disable Google Gears on my Firefox.
No choice. I had to disable it on my Firefox. :(
All about RSS feeds as promised:
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