Friday, 27 February 2009
The Billion Ringgit Water Deal
The current opposition held state government made an offerring of RM4.6 billion to the four concessionaires in the state without buying over their liabilities. Three of the concessionaires rejected the state government's offer. During the midst of negotiations, Pengurusan Aset Air Bhd (PAAB), a unit of Minister of Finance Inc. came out with an offer of RM5 billion - RM400 million more than what the state government offerred. I guess we know whose brilliant idea this might be. Kakacaucau!
Looks like the federal government ran out of ideas on how to serve the public better and instead hijacked the opposition's idea on the planned acquisition to do the same thing - to prevent the contractual tariff hike of 31%. The federal government claimed that the negotiations started back in September 2008. So if this is true, it might be that the opposition who are the one that stole the idea. Hmmm... who do you trust? ;)
I don't really know what I am saying in the business sense here but I think this about sums up the situation. Much more details at Star Online.
ps I'm a bit amused, though, that previously, the federal government went on a privatising spree and now attempting to buy them back... a way of pumping in more money for...?
Update 28 February 2009: My bud AndrewK's pointed me to another link with some scary news. This link appears to have reports that conflicts with the one in Star Online (link in two paragraphs above). You be the judge who is lying and who is more accurate. The truth is out there! I hope we Selangor people are not going to die a death of dehydration.
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
More Streamyx Slowness
Streamyx broadband users will have to bear with sluggish surfing speeds until March 5 due to technical problems, according to a statement by Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM).Previously about Streamyx here.The statement said there has been a disruption of TM’s Internet services since Feb 18 due to circuit faults on the Asia Pacific Cable Network 2 (APCN2) between Malaysia and the United States.
Due to this, customers using Internet services may now experience slow browsing while accessing content hosted in the United States, said the statement.
Additionally, customers using Internet Protocol services such as Virtual Private Network (VPN) and other critical business applications linked to the United States may also experience some service degradation.
To alleviate the problem and ease the congestion, some links have been rerouted, TM said.
Yes, I'm shouting! HOME! So great to be HOME!
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
And Before Leaving Vietnam...
Simple English Wikipedia
The guidelines when contributing to this simple English version:
- Use easy words and shorter sentences. This lets people who know little English read them.
- Write good pages. The best encyclopedia pages have useful, well written information.
- Use the pages to learn and teach. These pages can help people learn English. You can also use them to make a new Wikipedia to help other people.
- Simple doesn't mean little. Writing in Simple English means that simple words are used. It does not mean readers want simple information. Articles don't have to be short to be simple; expand articles, include a lot of information, but use basic vocabulary.
- Be bold! Your article does not have to be perfect, because other editors will fix it and make it better. And most importantly, don't be afraid to start and make articles better yourself.
Monday, 23 February 2009
From Pixdaus: Helping Hand
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Rush Hour in Vietnam
Supposed to ZzZzZz...

Saturday, 21 February 2009
It's......... complicated...
I noticed the cables around Ho Chi Minh city are wired like this. The electricians have my total respect on how they managed to troubleshoot. I was told that they are in the process of cleaning them up to get ready for some form of rapid transit system.
Friday, 20 February 2009
Touch 'n Go Conspiracy II
"Touch ‘n’ Go Sdn Bhd is targeting sales of at least RM10 million from one million new cards the company expects to sell this year."Of course they do. They force us to change our cards every 10 years.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
"Self-Charging" Batteries
via Inhabitat via Notes from Knut.
Milk Fruit
Oops, forgot to mention that the one I had had a greenish outer skin whereas the one shown from the link had a purplish skin. The link also mentioned that it is greenish when it is still raw but I am quite sure the one I had was ripe. :)
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Talcum Powder Scare
- Harvard Medical School in Boston studied over 3,000 women and found that those using talcum once a week had a 36% chance of getting ovarian cancer, while those using talcum daily had a 41% chance.
- Researchers have found talc particles in ovarian tumour and they have also discovered that women with ovarian cancer used talcum powder on their genitals more frequently than healthy women.
- Talc particles are capable of moving up the reproductive system and becoming embedded in the ovary lining.
- Talc can cause the baby’s airways to swell and lead to pneumonia, and has been linked to asthma in children. Statistics show that several thousands infants die or become seriously ill each year due to inhalation of baby powder.
- Consumers should revert to using the traditional ‘bedak sejuk,’ which is made of rice flour or powder made from corn flour.
Source: Star Online
Internet-Less For A Day and A Half
I suppose yesterday would be one of the rare days when I got to move around in Ho Chi Minh city. Otherwise, I would be travelling to and fro the factory and apartment. Oh, forgot to mention I was sent to the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh since Sunday evening. Was supposed to be around till Friday but last night I heard from a colleague that I just got it extended to another week. Sighhhhh...
ps Come to think of it, I was internet-less for a day and a half taking into account I left for the airport since Sunday 3pm. This must be the greatest achievement of 2009!
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Things I Would Love To Say As An IT Administrator...
Silly colleague: What's my password?Hmmm... What else? What else?
Me: password.
Silly colleague: Can I change it?
Me: No.
Silly colleague: I can't go online.
Me: Good.
Silly colleague: [look left, look right] Pssst, can you install Messenger for me?
Me: No.
Silly colleague: I think I've got a virus.
Me: No worries. [take out OS CD, put in tray, boot, format]. Oh, do you by any chance have any important data in there?
Silly colleague: My PC's got no power!
Me: The utilities board just reduced the price by 2.5% after increasing it by over 20%. You can expect their service to degrade. Blame them.
Silly colleague: I need a new PC. Mine's really old.
Me: Sure. Where's the cash?
Silly colleague: I've got software problem.
Me: Ha! Ha! Ha!
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Tree, the Fireman that Saved Sam the Koala
The popular female koala Sam saved from the Australian bushfire by volunteer firefighter Dave Tree:
You can see how she stops and moves forward and looks at me. It was like a look saying "I can't run, I'm weak and sore, put me out of my misery".
I yelled out for some water and I sat down with her and tipped the water up. It was in my hand and she reached for the bottle then put her right claw into my left hand which was cold so it must have given her some pain relief and she just left it there. It was just amazing.
Sam's got 2nd degree burns to her paws which will take 7 to 8 months to recover. Sam's found a boyfriend in Bob at the shelter she is in.
via Star Online.
Monday, 9 February 2009
How do you end a sentence in parenthesis with an emoticon?
Sunday, 8 February 2009

Saturday, 7 February 2009
Vista's Own Defragmenter
Check out the latest one from Vista: This may take from a few minutes to a few hours!!! @%^@#$%@$!!!!! Couldn't it be any more vague than this? How's the one in Windows 7?
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Neutral Grounds
There was this MP who earlier had defected from the now new state government to join the ex- but after a few days, he defected the ex- and rejoined his old, tagging along with three others who claims that they were leaving the ex- to become independents. Independents that give friendly support to the new state government.
After considering their integrity and selflessness, the state Sultan agrees that a new state government shall be formed base on majority (31 to 28 seats). However, I never knew independent parties gives friendly support to a certain body count as part of them. But of course, our former Agong and judge would know best. A man with a plan.
Another ex-, our ex-prime minister thinks otherwise, though. He said these defections would only tarnish the party. But wait, check out the lovely and innocent smiling faces here. These are the people that will put the people's interests above theirs.
Photo of smileys from Star Online.
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Once In A Billion Years
And while I am at it, I attempted that tilt or shift or whatever lens thing where the motorcycles, some cars and the flyovers all look like models. Of course, I did not have any tilt lens. Instead I blurred out the sections with The Gimp. The original... umm... not so original because I've scaled it... is below:

Sunday, 1 February 2009
Malaysia and Her Minerals
The department has identified Perak, Pahang and Terengganu as potential areas for tin, Terengganu, Pahang, Kelantan and Perak for iron, Sabah and Pahang for copper, and Pahang, Kelantan, Terengganu, Johor and Sarawak for gold.Perhaps these can help out after our oil resources dry off.
Link: Star Online "Silica potential for Terengganu"