Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Nostalgic Cartoons
Long Live The Clam
Photo and info from National Geographic News "Longest-Lived Animal Found - Clam, 405"
The Keris Is Mightier
Read the article and you be the judge. Cannot be commenting anymore, else it would be another reason to blame bloggers in twisting and turning the truth.
Monday, 29 October 2007
At Last, I've Been There...
Finally, Eye On Malaysia
Originally uploaded by IonBuck.
In the beginning, I told myself that I better let the biggest ferris wheel in Malaysia run for a few months before going on it and then I dragged, and dragged and totally forgot about it. All of a sudden, it popped up in my mind again and time was limited as its last operational day is 31 December 2007 (unless our Tourism Ministry decides to extend the timeline, but seems unlikely judging by the lukewarm response).
So I went with my friend two Saturdays ago for a ride and also for some photographic opportunity and here is one of them. What I realised when I came back and browsed at other people's photos of this subject was, I did not move around looking for a more attractive angle. Something I need to improve on! :(
The Petronas Twin Towers were too close to the wheel and the reflection was not the complete wheel. :(
Took the ride up, paid RM30 for two of us, shared the cabin with a foreign speaking couple who shamelessly did some hugging and kissing and some indiscreet caressing (so they thought) and realised the night scene was errr... not interesting. With the name "Eye On Malaysia" I would expect to see a lot of Kuala Lumpur but that was not the case. Things were made worse because it was still drizzling and the cabin was full of drops, plus some swaying, so I couldn't take any decent photos of the outside view. You will just have to trust me that the view from the top is nothing to shout about.
INSANE: Breaking the US$93 Barrier
Source: Bloomberg.com: Worldwide "Crude Oil Rises to Record Above $93 as Mexico Shuts Production"
Previous oil price tracking in this blog:
Saturday, 27 October 2007
INSANE: Crude Oil Prices Higher Than All Time
Previous oil price watch:
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Con of Men #3: Bogus Monks
There was once at 1 Utama where I was sitting down outside a shop and this monk approached me... with a friendly smile. Can't remember what he was offering but I declined. He was a bit persistent but in the end, he gave up and he muttered something, the friendly smile turned into a snarl. Can you believe that? For once I felt good to have turned a "monk" away!
Here is an article from NSTOnline about how these "monks" have become a problem, partly due to the public's encouragement through their innocence and also greed for divine favours. The Metta Lodge Buddhist Centre is doing rounds in Johor to educate the public on what real monks do: no money and material possessions. Only donations in the form of everyday necessities such as food, clothing, etc. Real monks only make their rounds in the morning.
Other cons highlighted in this blog:
A Bit About Cholestrol
Cholesterol in itself is not harmful, but too much blood cholesterol is unhealthy.There are also some causes and preventive measures.
When cholesterol levels are very high, it may appear as yellow nodules beneath the skin of the elbows, knees or under the eyes.
Genting Founder Dead
Bikini Origins
Monday, 22 October 2007
Con of Men #2: The Motorcycle Beggar
Even beggars have to change with the times. China Press reported that a man in his 30s used a motorcycle to get around.It reported the so-called “beggar” rode his motorcycle and tried his fortune door-to-door at high-end residential areas in Bukit Mertajam, Penang.
A housewife known only as Huang said the man would only stretch out his hands for alms at houses where luxury cars are parked at the porch.
According to the daily, he would demand between RM10 and RM20 during his stop at each house.
The man, who spoke in Hokkien, would trick his victim into believing that he had failed to land jobs after just recovering from a serious illness.
He also cheated unsuspecting residents that he was jobless and had young children at home to look after.
Previous Con of Men here.
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Space Participant Misses Teh Tarik and Roti Canai
Source: Star Online Nation " 'Superman' misses teh tarik and roti canai"
Previous posts here and here.
Handphone Hunt #5 - Nokia 6120 Classic

It does, however, looks like it lacks in the design department. The silver one looks a tad nicer than the black one. Hang on... I took notice of yet another upcoming phone. The Sony Ericsson K770i... hmmm... need to learn more about that, too. :D
Photo from Nokia Malaysia website.
Previous Handphone Hunt posts:
Friday, 19 October 2007
INSANE: Oil Prices Break US$90
From CNNMoney.com
Previous insane oil prices posts here and here.
Thursday, 18 October 2007
Spider-Man Will Return
Source: IMDb.com "Spider-Man To Return for a "Different" Fourth Film"
Truly for enthusiasts only!
Photo taken from PopPhoto.com "Editor's Choice 2007: Digital Compacts"
Official website: http://www.sigma-dp1.com/
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Turn Turtle, NOT!
More Apologies Means More Pay?
USB Batteries!
Watterson Reviews Schulz
Via Amazon Bookstore's Blog.
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Ingenuity? A Firm That Manages Loans Between Friends and Families!
Hence, Virgin will help arrange among the borrowers' friends and family members for the loans and from what I understand from the news articles (errr... I am really not into this business thing), will make the loan like a real loan thing, going through Virgin Money USA. Therefore, there should not be any hard feelings later on...
Successful or not... this Richard Branson has balls and innovation!
Star Online Business "Virgin starts firm to manage loans between friends"
Reuters "UPDATE 1-Virgin opens US arm managing loans between friends"
Singapore Airlines First To Receive World's Largest Plane
INSANE: Oil Prices Set Another Record High
Investors have cited rising tensions between Turkey and Kurdish separatists in northern Iraq, sturdy world energy demand growth, tight inventories in consumer nations heading into winter and unprecedented weakness in the U.S. dollar.Even higher chances of fuel price increasing now...
Previously, on The Lost and Directionless Blog: INSANE: Oil Prices At All Time High
INSANE: Oil Prices At All Time High
The "Which day is the beginning of the week for you?" Poll Results

I guess I can reckon with Friday as it always brings joy knowing day off is near (for those that work 5 days a week, of course) but Tuesday and Wednesday?!?! :O
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Run For A Cause - The Terry Fox Run 2007
Who is Terry Fox? Taken from the official website:
Terry Fox was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and raised in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, a community near Vancouver on Canada's west coast. An active teenager involved in many sports, Terry was only 18 years old when he was diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma (bone cancer) and forced to have his right leg amputated 15 centimetres (six inches) above the knee in 1977.While in hospital, Terry was so overcome by the suffering of other cancer patients, many of them young children, that he decided to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research.
He would call his journey the Marathon of Hope.
After 18 months and running over 5,000 kilometres (3,107 miles) to prepare, Terry started his run in St. John’s, Newfoundland on April 12, 1980 with little fanfare. Although it was difficult to garner attention in the beginning, enthusiasm soon grew, and the money collected along his route began to mount. He ran 42 kilometres (26 miles) a day through Canada's Atlantic provinces, Quebec and Ontario.
It was a journey that Canadians never forgot.
However, on September 1st, after 143 days and 5,373 kilometres (3,339 miles), Terry was forced to stop running outside of Thunder Bay, Ontario because cancer had appeared in his lungs. An entire nation was stunned and saddened. Terry passed away on June 28, 1981 at age 22.
The heroic Canadian was gone, but his legacy was just beginning.
To date, more than $400 million has been raised worldwide for cancer research in Terry's name through the annual Terry Fox Run, held across Canada and around the world.
T-shirts, food, drinks, etc. will be sold during this event in Malaysia and all proceeds will go to a local cancer research organization. This year, the proceeds will go to the Cancer Research Initiatives Foundation.
So do stop by if you have the time! I do not have the stamina to run, so a couple of friends and I walked last year. A bit shy to admit, but yeah, did just that. :P If all goes well, I shall be there this year as well. :D
All New Title

Nevertheless, I will still stuff anything that comes my way in here... a lost and directionless blog by a lost and directionless human!
From flickr: Sunrise with Ducks II
Sunrise with Ducks II
Originally uploaded by peter bowers.
From single colour tone to multi-colours! Here's to a good morning in another few hours! :P
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Red 2G Poison
The substance exceeded European safety levels and was banned by the EU since 27 July 2007. Not sure why it took over 2 months for it to be banned here. Also not sure why the minister said food, which contained the chemical and was still in the market was allowed to be sold based on certain conditions. Could I have misunderstood the meaning of the word "ban" all these years?
More info at Star Online Nation "Immediate ban on Red 2G food colouring".
From flickr: eden hall tree
eden hall tree
Originally uploaded by surplusparts.
Irresistible fall colours! Saw this via Flickr Blog.
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Oops... an error occurred
Ahem! Back to the purpose of this post. Whenever you screen through your feeds, Google Reader will automatically mark is as read so that you won't be reading the same feed twice. However, since last night, I had this problem where after reading through the feeds, and I refresh the page, all of them came back again! Until just now! HORRORS, right?

I either use Internet Explorer to read or I disable Google Gears on my Firefox. No choice. I had to disable it on my Firefox. :(
All about RSS feeds as promised:
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Malaysia's Astronaut on CNN Front Page

Previous post about the astronaut here. The CNN article here.
Monday, 8 October 2007
My First Poll

For the fun of it, and also from my 67 friends' points of view, any day can be the beginning of the week, as long as that brings joy and happiness! :D
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Saturday, 6 October 2007
My First Scrabble

[Shibuya]Leader of the Pack
[Shibuya]Leader of the Pack
Originally uploaded by akumach.
An interesting shot and the horizontal crossing lines vs the people with umbrellas really make the photo stand out.
Friday, 5 October 2007
From flickr: Esca-troncs
Originally uploaded by mmarsupilami.
Hmmm... looks like not good for the environment but nice photo nonetheless.
Thursday, 4 October 2007
// onceUponA_timeIn_Bologna THerewAS_aGirL wHoWAlk_tHeSKy WatERing_thEStreets
// onceUponA_timeIn_Bologna THerewAS_aGirL wHoWAlk_tHeSKy WatERing_thEStreets
Originally uploaded by //bwr.
WOAH! Flying lady!
The Dell Experience (cont'd, cont'd)
He then reassembled the whole laptop back quickly as well. Unlike the previous two, he did not need to look here and there to see if he missed anything. CONFIDENCE!
At last, Dell redeemed itself... I hope... so far things tested out fine... keeping my fingers crossed. Unfortunately, I am quite sure that the 'new' motherboard in this laptop is really a refurbished one... but as long as it works fine... I do need to consider extending the warranty, though.
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
More Donuts!
The Dell Experience (cont'd)
Previously The Dell Experience here.
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Project 365! DAY 38
Project 365! DAY 38
Originally uploaded by boadiceafairy.
It's Wednesday midnight, mid-week. Should we all get into the mood of luuuuuuuuuuuuuv?
Only 999
The Star Online Nation "999 for all emergencies" article also stated that "...callers can expect their calls to be answered within 10 seconds or after four rings." That sounds great! Calls will be fully managed by TM (Telekom Malaysia) but judging from my Streamyx connection tonight, I remain skeptical.
Oh, Maybe No Toll Increase
Previous post about toll hike was yesterday here.
The Dell Experience
I was impressed that the second day, a technician came and changed it. I was also amazed that he took the whole laptop apart and changed the motherboard just because of the Wifi switch. Anyway, all seemed fine until I went home and started playing this very old game (approximately 5 years or so old). It was smooth for the first... ummm... 5 seconds, perhaps, and then the laptop fine started to spin and sounded louder than usual. The whole game became jerky until it was unplayable. It was considered graphics intensive during its time but nowadays, any laptop with integrated Intel graphics would be able to play it. And mine is a nVidia 7400 Go.
Sigh... so the next day, I called Dell again. The following day, another technician came with cooling pads and a new fan with the believe that previously, the technician did not replace the pads which caused contact of the processors (Intel Core 2 Duo and nVidia) to the heat sink to fail. The technician could not scrape off the old thermal pads, so he stuck the new ones on top of the old ones (!!!). After assembling the laptop again, I held my breath and we tested. The system diagnostics were fine but the game was not.
He called some tech support and came back to uninstall and then reinstall the graphics drivers. Surprisingly, it worked fine... but after the tech left, the problem came back. For your info, I tried playing the game in air-conditioned and without air-cond environments. Previously, I never had this problem.
So, what do I do? I called Dell again (yesterday). This time, the support guy said he will send a senior tech and a new motherboard. He suggested that it would be best that I send it in but it was not possible as I need the laptop for work. To my disappointment, the senior tech did not show up today. I called again and the reason was Dell ordered a lot of parts (horrors!) and that caused the delay. The support assured me the senior tech will show up tomorrow.
We shall see...
Monday, 1 October 2007
The Ancient Atari
Source: Retro Thing "The Atari 2600 celebrates 30 years of low-rez fun" via Engadget
More Toll Increase to Greet 2008
Source: Star Online Nation "New toll rates by eight concessionaires from Jan 1"