Tuesday 18 March 2008

Beer Can Be Good, Too

For males, 1 to 2 12 ounces glass of beer daily, and for females, 1 glass a day, is good for cardiovascular health. Don't just let wine steal the limelight, the article mentioned. Besides that, beer may also give a boost to the brain!

Caution! Drinking too much will have the opposite effect - higher risk of heart disease and in women, breast cancer. So, drink wisely!

Read more at Forbes.com.


Booker said...

I shall remember this :D

So if I don't drink beer for a week, does that mean I should have 7 x 12 ounce glasses of beer????

Adrian Tan said...


Booker said...

Not really.... but hey if it has properties that promote health.... why not? heh heh heh

Adrian Tan said...

Beer... yucks, yucks, yucks!