This is a follow-up to my previous post
"Wide Wide World of Lumix": Saw the advertisement in the local newspaper The Sun earlier this morning and I read the review by
Camera Labs (via
PhotographyBLOG) last night. Can't say I am too impressed after reading the review. Two main factors: (1) no control over flash exposure and (2) no manual focusing. I know I shouldn't be too fussy on things like these but I believe we should deserve more for the price (approximately USD$290 - USD$350). Not sure how much it is in Ringgit Malaysia yet. Let's see how things go as more reviews surface. Still love the 25mm lens. :P
Why bother with puny little compacts? SIZE does MATTER. Bigger the sensor ( not more the megapixel! ), better the image quality. Go SLR man! You have the potential.
Thanks, but I am wishing for something that I can carry around all the time... SIZE does MATTER is right, man.
SLR also got small ones mah. By the way a friend of mine has the Fuji F30. Really really good compact. The best around and cheap too.
But SLRs cannot go into jeans pockets... Yes, the F30s... was searching for F30s just when they were out of production. :(
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