Tuesday 20 February 2007


Recently, an Islamic scholar came out with the suggestion that women should wear chastity belts to prevent rape and incest crimes (source: Star Online article "‘Chastity belts can thwart rape and incest’").

Obviously, when someone comes out with such... "ideas", there are bound to be plenty of opinions:

One woman wrote in to Star Online's Opinion section supporting the idea, but stated that "...considering that most rapists are men, it is only logical that the ones who need to be “chastity” controlled should be men, not women." (Source: Star Online Opinion section "Syabas to chastity belt")

And of course, in the current space and time, the majority would be against this idea. Not only suggesting such a "proposal" is not suitable in the current society, it (quoting Amnesty International's executive director) "violates a woman’s dignity and her physical and mental integrity." Full article in Star Online's "Shocked groups slam chastity belt for women proposal".

There will not be a solution to this as there will not be a solution to thefts, briberies, murders or any other crimes. One can only hope society's mentality keeps improving (education and law enforcement, anyone?).

What is your opinion?

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