Monday 5 January 2009

Back to Work 2009

Things are going back to normal again. Sigh... I actually started work last Friday, 2nd January TWO OH OH NINE but that didn't really feel like the real work because:
  1. The bosses were also sufferring from long holiday syndrome.
  2. The second day of a new year, so what work, right?
  3. The next day is Saturday (though I had to work for half a day)!
  4. It is only the second day of another 365 days' worth of countdown.
  5. Much to look forward to a better year!
  6. It's still school holiday, so no jam!
But today... sigh, sigh, sigh... the bosses got hyperactive again, school reopened and reality sets in that there are another 360 more days before the above repeats... and it's a MONDAY! Sob! :'(

Oh, but I am proud of myself for writing today's date correctly. A silver lining in everything no matter how small, eh? ;)

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