Friday 16 January 2009

Maxis Oops...

Reading an article about Firefly working with Maxis to offer promotional offers for the telco suppliers reminded me about this incident that I had a few nights ago and here's my... (yawn?) story:

I would normally try to fully discharge my phone's battery before recharging it up (contrary to the believe that current lithium ion batteries do not have the memory effect, I am still skeptical about such a thing and that could possibly be why my battery's still going strong after 7 years) so I did just that that night. I would start the Snake II game and let it run and run and run...

So, after numerous prompting that the battery was running low, the phone switched off. I then went to plug in the charger and waited a few seconds before switching it on to find no signal. Did a manual search and found Maxis, Celcom and DiGi but I could not connect to Maxis (right, forgot to mention that I am a Maxis subscriber).

I thought this might be another one of those uncool maintenance thing and it was time to sleep anyway so I did not bother. Next morning... still no signal. GASP! Switching on and off the phone a few times made no difference but just as I was about to step out of the house for work, I tried calling my mobile with the house landline and it rang... Conclusion?
  1. My ancient Nokia's failing...
  2. Maxis is failing...
  3. Phone and Maxis are failing...
  4. Twilight Zone
Being kinda worried, I called Maxis when I reached my workplace but the customer service girl said there were no such problems... oh boy, oh boy. I did ask if my line got hijack or something but she reassured me that nothing of that sort happened. Concluding conclusion:
  1. There's a Maxis conspiracy...
  2. There's a Nokia conspiracy...
  3. There's a joint Maxis-Nokia or Nokia-Maxis conspiracy...


Booker said...

This lunar new year.....

A thrilling masterpiece....

Audiences gasping in awe....

"Buck and his NEW phone!"

Guess it's time Buck!

Adrian Tan said...

Economy not good, Book. No handphone just yet. :(