Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Meet Emily
Via BlenderNation.
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Senior Citizen Program and Anti-ISA
Friday, 26 December 2008
Naughty Christmas

Thursday, 25 December 2008
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Pandas @ Taiwan
Good news as this may seem, I do have some reservations of China using pandas, such innocent creatures these cute animals are, for diplomatic purposes. Imagine if humans were sent around this way... how would the humans feel? Well, I suppose sacrifice the minority for the good of the world would be a reason... :(
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Polycarbonate Danger!!!
I remember plenty of warnings from friends, the net and e-mails not to store and drink water from those 1.5 litres (used to be just 1.25L until our appetite became larger :p). I mean, it is so common here in Malaysia - and I suppose in many other countries - to clean the bottle after finishing the carbonated drinks or mineral water that came in the bottles and then use them to store our normal drinking water. So convenient, so easy, so disposable.
Then, the warnings came NOT to use them, especially those with low numbers (numbers inside the recycle logo). The ones we often use comes with the number "1". I never believed those warnings so I continued to use them. *SHY*
Today, the Star Online proved that water bottles or containers with higher numbers are not safe... well, at least those marked with PC (polycarbonate) or with the number "7". Excerpts:
He said that such bottles can be identified by a number seven inside a triangle with the letters PC next to it.
“The bottles are being sold everywhere and people think they are safe as they can withstand high temperature liquids.
“But researchers have found out that BPA can leach into the bottle’s contents through normal wear and tear, exposure to heat and cleaning agents,” he said.
Mohamed Idris claimed that a study conducted by the University of Missouri found that the chemical can even leach into liquids at room temperature.
“This finding is alarming and I urge the Education Ministry and parents to ban the use of the bottles in schools and for the people to restrain from using polycarbonate or any other plastic bottles,” he said.
He said that steel or glass bottles are preferred and cost about the same as the polycarbonate bottle at around RM12.
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Joy To Myanmar Children

Via Symbian Freak.
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Kuala Lumpur International Airport Low Cost Carrier Terminal
Check out the official name of our Low Cost Carrier Terminal above which is normally shortened to just LCCT. Last night, I have the joy of experiencing the just opened extended arrival hall. The walk from the aircraft to this extended arrival terminal is a true representative of the official long name of the LCCT. It took what felt like an eternity to reach this new terminal, especially carrying my boss' 8kg of nuts which he asked me to bring back and pass to his son. After that, we had to take this escalator up to the immigration and then take an escalator down to visit the duty free shop and collect check-in baggage. Once out of the airport, another long walk to catch the cab. You pay less, you walk more, alright?
And then, just now I read that this extended arrival hall costs RM160 million. AND before that, I read that the Negeri Sembilan Menteri Besar said that a new LCCT is being built in Nilai by the private sector Sime Darby to replace the current one (which was only opened a few short years ago). What a lot of unused airports around. First there was the old Subang one which part of it is now getting used again and then the current LCCT which will be replaced. So the Menteri Besar said the new one was fully funded by the private sector but what about the old one that has just been extended? Hmmm... I really can't digest this. Maybe I had been carrying too many nuts last night. No, boss, if you are reading this, I did not eat any of your nuts.
Source: Star Online "Extended arrival hall at LCCT opens" and "Proposed LCCT to be privately funded"Oh, by the way, I bought a 350ml bottle of Spritzer for RM4 during flight and finished it in less than 5 small gulps (approx.).
Thursday, 18 December 2008
From flickr: 石竹
Originally uploaded by Tugen.Wang.
What a great idea from Tugen.Wang! Combining one of my favourite childhood cartoons and one of my favourite cutesy animals - an Autobot Transformer Panda!
Via Super Punch.
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
HAH! All you evil pixel peepers, take this!
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Christian The Lion From Harrods
Cool 12 Days of Christmas Indian Version
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Too Tasty
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Handphone Hunt #6 - Nokia E71

- HSDPA and 3G (really a fan of these two supposedly fast wireless connection to the internet but they are still way too expensive)!
- Wifi! Surf at home or at a cafe with wifi!
- 3.2MP autofocus camera, though the quality of any camera on phones is a big, big suspect.
- A tiny little QWERTY keyboard! If my fingers were any bigger, I might be pressing two buttons at one go, though.
- Infrared so that I can transfer over contacts from my ancient classic phone.
- Bluetooth! Sync with the computer!
Oh yeah, the stall that I went to said it costs RM1,699 while the recommended retail price is RM1,799. Kinda steep for me so I will just keep wishing for it. Andrewk said he will go buy 4D when I finally buy a new phone. ;)
Meanwhile, do check out the touchscreen Nokia 5800, too - the one you saw in The Dark Knight that was equipped with sonar capabilities.
Note: Photo from Nokia Malaysia's website. Darn it, I did not notice the hand tool on the qwerty keyboard when I ripped that screen but am too lazy to correct that now.
Datuk Low Siew Moi
However, she is of particular importance because her appointment as acting general manager sparked controversy amongst locals (in the minority, I hope). It had also been used as a platform for criticisms by some politicians. Tsk, tsk, tsk!
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Quiet Airports
So, imagine my surprise when I read this! A country like Japan with more than one airport that struggle to get airlines to fly there. The latest would be their upcoming Ibaraki Airport (in March 2010) which have yet to have any airlines agreeing to fly there. Interestingly, officials are in talks with low cost carriers and one of them is our very own AirAsia X. Maybe, very soon anyone can fly to Japan but the grass may not be greener on the other side after all.
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
My Mouse Is One In A Billion!
Monday, 1 December 2008
Malaysians Get A Mention on Engadget
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Ethics, Dilemma and Working Tomorrow
Good night!
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Friday, 28 November 2008
Black Friday?
The day after Thanksgiving in the United States. Retailers generally see an upward spike in sales and consider this to be the start of the holiday shopping season. It's common for retailers to offer special promotions and to open early to draw in customers.and...
The idea behind the term "Black Friday" is that this is the day in which retail stores have enough sales to put them "in the black" - an accounting expression that alludes to the practice of recording losses in red and profits in black.
We Want to Ban Plastic Bags!
Source: Star Online "Govt may ban use of plastic bags"
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Rainbow on the way home...
From The Lost and Directionless Blog |
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Negative Digital Camera Outlook in 2009 and Beyond...
Maybe then we will get cheaper cameras... hmm?
Monday, 24 November 2008
INSANE Rumours - Death of Bruce Wayne!
I take it IMDb's entertainment news are rather trustworthy so their info about the possibility of killing off Bruce Wayne in DC's upcoming Batman comic this Thursday is more attention grabbing than anything! I still find it hard to swallow that an iconic hero like Batman, especially with the recent mega success in the cinemas will be killed off. NOOOooooo...
Sunday, 23 November 2008
INSANE: Thumbdrive Prices
Too bad this doesn't happen to laptops and digital cameras! Price slashed by half in 6 months! It would be a miracle! :'(
Friday, 21 November 2008
From Pixdaus: Upside Down Panda
Working Cops
They actually did an extensive check. They checked their IDs, searched through the couple's bags, recorded something on their clipboard and don't know what else as when we left, they were still at it. I am not too sure about how proper it is about checking citizens' bags but at least to me, these policemen appeared to be performing their duty.
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Humans Decoded Mammoth DNA
Maybe in another century or two, we might be thinking of cloning elephants, too, if poaching continues to threaten them.
Monday, 17 November 2008
INSANE: Megapixel Race Infecting Mobile Phone Cameras
Don't think I've seen any mobile phones with this wide an angle lens yet. :)
Photography Blog's got the press release. There's a 100% crop of the image taken with the 12.25 megapixel sensor here. Looks kinda ok... could this be a miracle?
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Real Democracy
Little Japanese Sex
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Dark Side of Road Users
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Backing Censorship
No wonder our government also censor
From Pixdaus: Baby Horse from Conception to Birth
Monday, 3 November 2008
Sleepy Cat
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Chicken Rice and More
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Why Those Helicopters!!!
Source: NST
Monday, 27 October 2008
From Pixdaus: A Photo To Ponder
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Panasonic Customer Service
However, Panasonic doesn't do any immediate repairs, rendering their customer service as plain normal in that sense. Efficiency wise, tt would take as fast as the next working day OR as slow as a week, both which I had experienced before. However, these are just my experience for my FZ30 set. Other Panasonic products do not apply here.
Friday, 24 October 2008
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Canon Customer Service
Hence, I visited the service center after work earlier in the evening and was presented with another surprise! Well, not to the point where I was given a brand new camera as a replacement. :P
The guy that served me (so happened to be the manager on duty) told me that the LCD could be replaced immediately (mainly because the part was in stock and it was a simple replacement)! It cost me RM103 but I suppose it is much cheaper than a brand new compact camera. :P
With such service, I was thinking if I ever upgrade to a DSLR, maybe it might be a Canon. Previously, I was leaning towards a Nikon because the lenses appear to be cheaper but now, the pleasant customer service is indeed a strong plus point for Canon! Before I left the place, I asked the manager if I would get the same immediate service for a DSLR and his answer was if it can be repaired quickly, it is possible. Sensor cleaning and basic servicing is also immediate (free first time but a charge of RM120 subsequently applies)!
For those who might be interested in my newly acquired oldie digital camera, I shall introduce it in another post at another time. Right now, I am feeling lazy. :P
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Firefox 2 vs. Opera 9.6 on a Windows 98 Desktop
Since Opera has been bragging about its browser being also very fast, I had to try it out, right? So I downloaded Opera 9.6 and installed it. GASP! It is even SLOWER than Firefox 2. A Gmail or Google Reader page will take ages (much much longer than Firefox 2) to load. I guess I don't have to mention how a refresh will be like.
However, do note that all the above might only happen on my ancient work PC (I know I shouldn't complain too much because there are more ancient ones than mine in existence out there) which might be worth billions in a few billion years. So, don't let this short complain stop you from trying out Opera, yeah? ;)
Note: The above links appear to be general links. When new versions appear, these links will no longer be valid for the versions described here.
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Awesome Desktop Alternative
Unfortunately, to try out this private beta, you would need to register and wait for an invitation. Can't seem to find the system requirements nor which OS is it for but from the looks of the icons, it appears to be Windows. Maybe I have missed out the obvious and someone can help to point that out. :P
Here is what BumpTop might look like on your real life desk:
via LifeHacker.
A Glimpse of Fennec (Firefox Mobile)
Fennec Alpha Walkthrough from Madhava Enros on Vimeo.
I'm personally using the beta version of Opera Mobile 9.5 and you can find my opinion of it here.
Link: Mozilla Links
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Cili Potong!
Monday, 13 October 2008
Lens Of Vision & Expression
Update: Samantha Oulavong's flickr page is here and the LOVE group is here.
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Left High and Dry by Ever Efficient SYABAS
NOTIS GANGGUAN BEKALAN AIR BERJADUAL DI SYABAS WILAYAH PETALING DAN KUALA LUMPURIt says 14 October 8pm until the following morning 8am but today is only 11 October 2008. Sigh...
Gangguan bekalan air dijadualkan akan berlaku di beberapa kawasan di Wilayah Petaling dan Kuala Lumpur disebabkan oleh kerja-kerja pengalihan paip di Jalan Susur Jambatan Lot 673, Jalan SS20/27 Petaling Jaya yang melibatkan paip bersaiz 850 milimeter jenis ‘mild steel’.
Gangguan bekalan air yang dijadualkan berlaku pada 14 Oktober 2008 bermula jam 8.00 malam hingga 8.00 pagi keesokan harinya melibatkan kawasan seperti berikut:-
1. Wilayah Petaling
PJ North, Universiti Malaya, Penchala, Seapark, SS1 dan SS2. SS20,SS21 dam SS22, Seksyen 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 17A, 19, 20, 21 dan 22, Jalan Semangat, Phileo Damansara, Hotel Eastin dan Paramount.
2. Wilayah Kuala Lumpur Bukit Damansara
Segala kesulitan amatlah dikesali. Para pengguna dinasihatkan agar menyimpan bekalan air secukupnya serta menggunakan air secara berhemah sepanjang tempoh gangguan tersebut.
Sebarang pertanyaan atau aduan sila hubungi Pusat Perkhidmatan Pelanggan (PUSPEL) menerusi talian bebas tol 1-800-88-5252 atau melalui SMS, dengan menaip PUSPEL jarak taipkan aduan atau pertanyaan hantar ke 39222 atau lawati laman web SYABAS di
Thursday, 9 October 2008
INSANE: Day of Testicles
Run For A Cause 2008
Hi there,
The Terry Fox Run KL 2008 will take place on 2 November 2008 (Flag off 9.00 am) at Taman Tasik Perdana (Lake Gardens). Participants are to be at the assembly area by 8.45 am. All participants must run on the designated route. To participate, you can purchase a limited edition Terry Fox 2008 T-Shirt from the following locations:
T-shirts can be purchased at
1) Ms Chan Siew Wan / Ms Lee Siew Bee at the Canadian High Commission, 17th Floor, Menara Tan & Tan, Jln Tun Razak (6th October onwards)
2) Ms Yoon / Mr Peter Kang at the Cancer Research Initiatives Foundation (CARIF), 2nd Floor, Outpatient Centre, Subang Jaya Medical Centre (6th October onwards)
3) Ms Tila at the Foyer, Ground Floor, Menara Citibank, Jalan Ampang (12.00 to 2.00pm, 20th October until 24th October)
4) At the Lake Garden on Run Day (2nd November 2008)
Would you like to be a volunteer? Please contact Ms Jo Tan or Ms Yoon at
If you have any question, please send your email to
We are posting latest information at too
On behalf of Terry Fox Run KL
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Surf the Net on the PDA with Opera Mobile 9.5 Beta
Ever since Opera Mobile 9.5 Beta 1 (note: looking at the general web address, this link will not be valid for Opera Mobile 9.5 beta when a new version of Opera Mobile comes out) was released, my 2+ years old Windows Mobile 5 PDA was given a new life. Before I installed the beta, I totally hated using the PDA for any web surfing because the Internet Explorer that came with it totally sucks.
I tried Google Reader with Internet Explorer and I got the mobile version of Reader which was bad, but at that time, I suppose all mobile browsers would link to the mobile version. It does not support any form of scripting, not even Java! This means I can only visit websites that belong to years ago!
I realised that I cannot hope for desktop web browsing with the PDA (my PDA resolution is only 320 x 200 vs a typical desktop resolution of 1,024 x 768) so after awhile, I gave up and only used the PDA for notes taking and some Nintendo Gameboy emulation. Then I heard of Opera Mobile and I downloaded the then version 8 to test out. It was much better than the mobile version of Internet Explorer but still lacks the actual feel of desktop browsing that most of us became familiar with but it did let me visit websites pretending to be a desktop. The browsing was painstakingly slow, though, if I utilise that mode.
Now, with 9.5 beta, I can totally surf the net with the PDA and get the actual desktop type of web page. It can default to load a full view of the web page and I can zoom in to the portion I want by double tapping on the area. The text are formatted based on the width of the PDA so I don't need to do any horizontal scrolling.
Some cons: The response time can be slow at times. For example, I might need to click a link a few times to get it loading. It also hanged on my quite a few times. Also, at the moment, 9.5 beta doesn't support Flash so sites like Youtube is out of the question. Maybe there are some plugins available but I am not that inclined to look for it. Besides, if I need Flash, it would be better on a monitor.
With Opera Mobile 9.5 beta, I can almost use my PDA as an internet tablet, just like the Nokia N7xx or N8xx series. ALMOST because the PDA's got a small screen and it's really not geared up for hardcore net surfing. It is ok for a relaxing surf in front of the TV, though. ;)
Note: All are based on my views on my PDA only. Other devices, especially those more advanced ones will vary greatly.
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Next with Melamine
What's next for melamine? What chemicals will be the next scare? Which country will be at the center of the next scandal?
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Painted Skin Theme (畫皮主題曲 - 畫心)
From Pixdaus: Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...
Monday, 29 September 2008
Melamine Scare Side Effect?
To be honest, I am not about to, but would one day hope to. *SHY*
Saturday, 27 September 2008
INSANE: Price of Goods to go DOWN!
Oh boy. This doesn't sound right. I remember that merchants (I'm not saying all, but the majority. I'm sure there are honest traders around.) couldn't wait to increase their price the last time (even with their old stocks) but when it comes to price reduction... Nothing happened when the Ringgit appreciated above the previous pegged RM3.80 to a US$1 but when there is a reason to increase price of goods... That's life.
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
BLESS the Convenience
So, out of curiosity, I went to the website and found this (as of 2153 hours):

Sunday, 21 September 2008
Despicable Humans: Melamine Tainted Dairy Products
Over the past couple of weeks, there were widespread news about melamine tinted milk powder from giant Chinese milk producer Sanlu which caused kidney stones and complications in infants and children, killing at least 3. Over the days, with pressure from various quarters and some reports claimed, from the New Zealand government, Chinese officials and chairwoman of Sanlu were sacked. There were also reports that the Chinese government and Sanlu were slow to react to this crisis. Consumers, primarily parents, queued for refunds and countries such as Singapore issued bans and demand official explanations. Hong Kong also found yogurt from Yili tinted with melamine.
The fact was greedy humans used melamine (a chemical used to make plastics and tanning in leather) to disguise low levels of proteins in milk so that they can sell the it at face value. It some how also 'escaped' detection in lab tests. You can find here further definitions on Google on what melamine is and its uses, including:
- Melamine is an organic base with the chemical formula C3H6N6, with the IUPAC name 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine. It is only slightly soluble in water.
- Solid-colored laminate material that is both durable and easy to clean. It is stain and mark-resistant and also heat-tolerant.
- A slick plastic-like material used to cover a substrate of particleboard or MDF.
- A strong aromatic heterocyclic base, tri-amino-triazine, used, in combination with formaldehyde to manufacture melamine resins such as Formica.
Disabled Tortoise Fitted With Wheels Find Romance
There is also a short article and a couple of photos (including the one below) over at LiveScience.
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Sunset @ Pangkor

Friday, 12 September 2008
World's First Micro Four Thirds
Not sure how many of you are interested but I am rather excited to see a smaller body (since there are no more mirror boxes to reflect whatever caught by the lens to the optical viewfinder as in a (D)SLR) with inter-changeable lens system. The features for the G1 are all over the website. However, the red and blue colours are kinda weird for this kind of a more serious camera but maybe Panasonic is trying to target a wider range of audience. DPReview's got an exclusive preview.
Update: One of the first negative thing I noticed is the battery life. By using the LCD and/or what Panasonic calls the LVF (Live View Finder), battery life is limited to 330/350 shots (CIPA Standard).
President Brad Pitt
An eyewitness says, "It was total chaos. His security team immediately decided to evacuate Brad to avoid any possible threat. He was surrounded by eight security men and four policemen - it was crazy. It was as if Brad was the president!"
Monday, 8 September 2008
Despicable Humans
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Interesting Stuff at a Convocation
Friday, 5 September 2008
The Very Successful Ahmad Ismail
A few days ago, the prime minister couldn't even find him but yesterday he came out and said that he wouldn't apologise for saying that. Well, nevermind that Malaysian Chinese are part of Malaysia and have contributed to the country. He even got the deputy prime minister and the whole UMNO apologise for him but he just won't apologise himself. After very happily declaring that the Malaysian Chinese are immigrants for some time now, today he surfaced again because he wants us to know that he was referring to history: A time when the British ruled this country and brought the Chinese in as labourers. That is why he did not find the need to apologise. He was just giving a history lesson during a recent pre-election speech.
Ahmad Ismail also insisted that a Chinese daily twisted his history lesson. Well, like what my buddy, andrewk, said, let him be. The next election will show how many people believe that it's indeed a history lesson being twisted and turned. Wonder if this will affect his party, too?
Wow, I've managed to say all these quite gently, I must say. I hope the MCMC won't want to block this blog. :)
Thursday, 4 September 2008
It Takes Ages for New LRT Trains to Arrive
The reason for the long period is the need to upgrade power capabilities, safety testing and the supplier has to build the trains from scratch, which is the norm in the industry. Sounds kind of ridiculous but I am no train expert here.
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
When Will Canon Go Green?
Saw the advertisement in The Sun newspaper this morning. Saw the advertisements on billboards along the road on the way to work but when I went to the website, all I got was a coming soon... later today, I suppose.

Sunday, 31 August 2008
Malaysian Restaurant Service Tax
I would like to add that The Star Online article stated that we can check on the list of the restaurants from the customs website, so naturally, I went to our government portal to look for it. I tried a search but nothing came up. Guess what gave me the right website? Google. Sigh...
Saturday, 30 August 2008
Merdeka Eve Donut Fantasy
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Who Will Win @ Permatang Pauh? Anwar New Permatang Pauh MP and Opposition Leader
Update 1: Based on opposition blogs by Elizabeth Wong and Lim Kit Siang, the majority goes to Anwar Ibrahim... a majority more than his wife Wan Azizah received.
Update 2: It's official. Anwar Ibrahim is back in parliament. Both Star Online and NST carry the results. Anwar 31,195, Arif Shah 15,524 and the other dude 92 votes.
Sunday, 24 August 2008
INSANE: Touch 'n Go Cards Expire After 10 Years
For more information, visit the totally evil Touch 'n Go website:
Pandas in Malaysia? :O
According to a Star Online article last Friday, our Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said that our Zoo Negara officials will go to China in October to discuss about the exchange for a panda with an orang utan. He mentioned that our Prime Minister had expressed his wish for a panda to signify our two countries' close ties.
I will be so happy if we do get a panda but I am more concerned with the zoo's capability in taking care of it. It is not just a mere animal. This is a panda! Where to get tonnes of bamboo that is not native here? How are our researchers able to help advance in the research and development of the panda? This is not just a play play thing or any Malaysia Boleh thing. This is a PANDA! P-A-N-D-A!
What do you think? Are we capable? We have not even settle on our political issues such as who is the next prime minister (one that swears or one that refuses to?) lest take care of a panda? But then, there is of course the fact that we have to get the agreement from China first...
More Friends' Blogs

Friday, 22 August 2008
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Orphan Colin the Whale to be Euthanised
Now, the condition of the calf has deteriorated with shark bite wounds and breathing difficulties. It is not expected to live past tonight. Hence, the calf will be put down after dark with a lethal dose of anaesthetic to end its suffering... a way that we humans feel is most humane.
Monday, 18 August 2008
Manga IonBuck

Sunday, 17 August 2008
Worm-Like Snake
Source: National Geographic News "World's Smallest Snake Discovered, Study Says"
Some Positive Politics?
Are these signs of hope?
INSANE Despicable Humans: Farm Animal Cruelty
Saturday, 16 August 2008
A Working Saturday *sob*
On a positive note, it's a half day and it's alternate... but still... WORKING SATURDAYS! NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo...
Monday, 11 August 2008
Limited to No Internet Access
Well, looks like my internet access will continue to be limited (night time @ home only) as I will be going for long sessions of training for weeks or even months. :(
Thursday, 7 August 2008
Finally, It Rains
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
INSANE: Motorola's New Co-CEO Package
The new guy will have plenty of incentive to make good on that pledge to turn Moto’s phone business around. On top of his $1.2 million salary and annual cash bonus of up to $2.4 million, Jha’s welcome package includes personal use of the corporate jet, relocation expenses, a promise to make him whole if he loses money on the sale of his home in San Diego, and another promise to pay him $30 million in cash if Motorola fails to spin off the cell phone division before November 2010. He will be entitled to stock options worth 3% of the mobile devices division if it is made independent before that deadline. And of course, there are the equity awards: 3.67 million restricted stock units with a present value of more than $35 million, which he will receive over the next three years; and an option to buy 16.6 million shares at current prices.And I had corn flakes for lunch. :(
Monday, 4 August 2008
10 Seconds Exposure Along the Highway
Taken with my faithful Panasonic DMC-FZ30. :D Still hopping to get a compact carry every where camera... but that would probably be next year... and beyond (!!!). Another Panasonic? Or a Fuji Finepix? Or the more commercialised Canon or Nikon? Hmmm... whichever that fits my requirement at the time of purchase, I guess.
Sunday, 3 August 2008
Brace for Another Haze Season
Looks like the haze season was kind of delayed this year but the report on Star Online indicates that it is now imminent. About 531 forest fire hotspots in Sumatera, Indonesia and a 40ha site as near as Dengkil, Selangor. At the moment, Port Klang is the only area with the unhealthy air classification.
Saturday, 2 August 2008
From Pixdaus: Polar Coolness
*Snap!* Back to reality! Back to the hot and humid weather. It had not rained for days.